Best Practices

Best Practices

1. Title: Plantation Drive

Objective: To sensitize, encourage and engage students, staff, all stake holders of the college and community about scientific tree plantation for increasing green coverage. To enhance the values of plants environment among the students during their study.

The Context: Trees play significant role in maintaining equilibrium of the environment. Many ecological processes like rainfall pattern, monsoon cycle, soil cover, balancing the level of greenhouse gases and oxygen production are governed by trees. Besides, trees have social, spiritual, commercial, medicinal significance.

Practice: Initially an interactive meeting of Principal, staff members and students of college was held in our college to decide strategies of tree plantation. In response to this, the college planned to carry out tree plantation drive at the college campus and nearby areas of the college every year in the rainy season. Every year students along with the garden staff plant trees. Plant growth is checked by continuous monitoring by the college. Students are actively involved in growing and maintaining the plants. All the plants in the campus are tagged with their botanical names. Evidence of success: Due to this plantation drive over the years the campus has become lush and green. Also, a herbal garden consisting of plants with medicinal values is cultivated in the college campus. It is the result of this plantation drive that students participated in the program of the plantation started by college.

2. Title: Proper wearing of mask and its distribution

Objective: To provide best possible safe and hygienic environment for staff members and students. Context: As the Covid-19 was spreading in our community. It was important to stay safe by taking some simple precautions such as physical distancing and wearing mask. Make habit of wearing a mask, a normal part of being around other people. The use, cleaning or disposals of mask are few essentials to make them as effective as possible. The promotion of basic safety and hygiene is very important in this pandemic.

Practice: Staff members and students were educated on proper wearing of mask and its disposal. An online meeting was conducted by the principal and it was directed that never place a mask under your chin as this provide a direct route for the virus into the nose are mouth and touching the mask to pull it up and down adds greater risk of contamination. A process for disposal of mask in a covered container was also discussed. Cloth mask should be washed hygienically. Masks were offered, if any staff member or student does not have one. Evidence of Success: Each staff member and student wore mask. It reduces transmissibility per contact by reducing transmission of infected respiratory particles. College premises turned out to be safe and hygienic
